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Photographer: Michael Chittenden

Website Improvements

  • Post category:News / Skiff Notices
  • Post last modified:June 18, 2020
  • Reading time:2 mins read

We’ve listened! raceHub has now been integrated into the main body of the website to streamline usability for sailors managing their boat and registrations.

Rather than a separate section to the website, you will now be able to login and access all the required information in what should be ‘intuitive locations’.

Want to register for a regatta? Simply go to events, find it in the calendar, and if you’re logged in you will be able to register on the page. We have streamlined the amount of information required upfront, making this process even faster than before.

To ensure information is up to date, it is the responsibility of the Boat Owner, that any changes to crew be changed within your boat’s profile and respectively updated in any regatta or event registrations. This is to ensure that the organisers know who is on what boat in case of an emergency.

To make sure those who got used to the old system don’t struggle with the new layout, the raceHub top menu on the website will provide all the links in the same format as previously available.

If anyone needs any further assistance, please contact Nathan through the contact form.

Registrations for this season will be open once dates are confirmed, and will be announced over the various communication channels.


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