Nationals Support Boat Registration Post published:January 6, 2022 Post category:2022 Nationals Noticeboard Post last modified:January 6, 2022 Reading time:1 mins read 2022 Nationals Support Boats 2022 Nationals Support Boats If you are a support vessel, you must complete this form to notify the race committee that you will be on the water. Name * Last * Club If applicatble Phone * Skiff/s Supporting * #9 ADCO Constructions Aristocrat Awol Bartley Construction 13 Bartley Construction 16 Bella Group Bigfoot Bags and covers Brian Hilton Motor Group Brydens Lawyers Capital Brewing Co. Cheeky Chubbs CMG Property Maintenance Contender Sailcloth Cunninghams Dominos Dutchess East Coast Marine & Sail EBIX Edenda Employment Hero Eric's Removals Eric's Storage FIREBALL Fluid Building IMEI Insight Building Services Inspectrite Australia & DJS Racing Iron Jack Jamesco Kammakazie KNIGHTON GROUP Konami Lancelin Pacific Money Links Moonen Yachts Newcastle financial planning group NHS Building Supplies One Too Many Pepsi MAX Plonk Cafe PT Red Pumps Red Pumps 2 Ronstan Sail Racing Schweppes shead SKE Electrical STA Building Sutech Building Consultants Toogara TOOHEYS EXTRA DRY Vaikobi Weathertex White Tiger XXXX Gold Enter the primary skiff that you are supporting. Boat Name / Callsign * Vessel Description Enter a brief visual description of the vessel. Size, colour, type etc NOR 14 - Support Boats Support boats will register with the Race Committee at the Race Office and be issued with a support boat flag. Support Boats will be required to nominate which skiff they will be primarily supporting and provide contact details for the Skipper of the Support Boat. Coaches and other support personnel shall remain a minimum of 150 metres from all competing skiffs from the time of the preparatory signal for the start until the skiff has finished or the race committee signals a race postponement or abandonment. A skiff which has been flagged as finished or has retired may be approached by support personnel provided it is clear of the race area. The penalty for failing to keep clear could result in disqualification via protest of boats nominated as being supported by the infringing Support Boat or any other boat which the Race Committee observes as being supported by the Support Boat in question. I have read and understood the above NOR clause. * Yes I understand that my details we be used for SMS notifications to support craft during the event. * Yes reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit You Might Also Like 2022 ASSA AGM GB Item Request December 30, 2021 Change to SI’s January 2, 2022 2022 Nationals Measurement December 31, 2021