Fraser Coast Regional Council Survey

Fraser Coast Regional Council Survey

As part of the grant from Fraser Coast Regional Council, we are required to provide some data associated with the event and it's impact on the local council. Please fill in this short survey to support the council in response to their support to help us run the event.

First and Last

Number of people in your group (Total number of crew + Family / Friends / Supporters travelling with your boat)


Please add their name/s

Stay in QLD

What is your accommodation for the duration of the regatta
choose one or more of the following options (please tick all that apply for the people in your group)
Length of Stay
Please enter where in QLD you have or will be traveling prior and post event.
How did your group travel to Hervey Bay?
Please provide an estimate of likely spend by your group in the Fraser Coast region for accommodation?
Please provide an estimate of likely spend by your group in the Fraser Coast region for other expenses?
food, fuel, tourist activities etc