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Update – 2020 Australian 13ft & 16ft Skiff Championships

  • Post category:Announcement / News / Skiff Notices
  • Post last modified:September 15, 2020
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear Sailors,

Whilst we are still aiming to conduct the National Championships from the 3rd to the 9th of January 2021 at Gosford Sailing Club, there are factors beyond our control that will impact the likelihood of this occurring. Sailors will be informed by the 1st of November 2020 whether the Nationals Championships will proceed as planned, be cancelled or postponed to the secondary date. If between the 1st of November and the regatta there is a change of regulations that prevent us from holding the regatta, we will have no option but to postpone to the secondary date or cancel the regatta.

If the regatta is postponed to the secondary date:

  1. that date is likely to fall in mid-February (subject to final agreement by GSC and the other skiff clubs, noting this may impact their calendars, as well as potentially the Australian 16ft Skiff Sprint Championships at Belmont); and
  2. the regatta will have a shortened schedule of racing over most likely 4 days.

We understand that COVID restrictions may prevent skiff sailors from states other than NSW from participating in the regatta on either date. If this occurs, the regatta may still proceed, but will not be considered an Australian Championships. Due to the commitments in place our priority is to run the regatta as planned whether deemed an Australian Championship or otherwise, before considering cancelling or postponing the regatta.

We sincerely hope that we can run the National Championships as planned and will continue to communicate with our sailing community around this issue.

 We would like to thank Gosford Sailing Club for working with us and remaining flexible during these times, as well as all of our skiff sailors and club for their flexibility and understanding.


Nathan Edwards
Commodore | Australian Skiff Sailing Association