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2024/25 Registrations now open

  • Post category:News / Skiff Notices
  • Post last modified:September 9, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read


  1. Login or sign up for a skiffs account
  2. Go to myRegistrations and either ‘Edit’ and existing registration or click ‘Register Skiff’ to add a new skiff

Details Required

  • General boat information
  • Boat Insurance (policy # and document)
  • Owner information
  • Sailor information (including AS number)

Changes from last year

  • Full DOB no longer required, only year of birth
  • Address no longer required
  • Ability to enter multiple crew for a boat to allow for entries to various regattas with different crew configurations

Accuracy of Data

There were three pieces of data in last years for which took many hours of manual labour to resolve because the data was wrong or not correct. Please ensure the following fields are correctly updated:

  • Insurance (policy number and evidence)
  • Sailor AS Numbers (finder is linked in the form)
  • Emergency Contacts (the skipper is not a valid entry for emergency contact)

Entering Events

This year sailors will need to enter each event individually rather than a single form. The reason for this was that sailors did not update registration details for each event (because it was too clunky) which lead to inaccurate emergency contact information.

Go to Events, select the event, then use the entry form to enter (note you’ll need to be logged in). Event registration will open in the lead up to the event and may not be available right now.