Relevant race documents for the IYC round of the state championships have been updated on the event page.
Please bear in mind that the earliest warning signal may be as early as 1:25pm on both days. The likely warning signal for each of the days will depend on predicted wind conditions. Where possible, text messaging will be used to keep sailors informed of arrangements for each day.
There is a limitation on the number of 300 people allowed in the Clubhouse at the one time (upstairs AND downstairs). There will be a requirement to sign in and out of the building. The Club will be providing the usual lunch and bar arrangements for the sailors from the downstairs canteen (see the attached Commodore’s note for more details). Seating will also be provided outside the Club building on the concrete pad (near the boatshed entry area).
Please ensure that you maintain appropriate COVID social distancing while you are at and around the Clubhouse over the weekend.
Michael McMahon
Secretary | NSW 16ft Skiff Association