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        Boat Name Class Club Skipper Crew 1 Crew 2
        Aristocrat 16ft B16 Jed Jon Jackson
        Bartley Construction 16 16ft M16SSC Nathan Tom Jesse
        Bella Group 16ft B16 Georgia Michael Rory
        Botany Access 16ft M16SSC Chris Ryan Gerard
        Capital Brewing Co. 16ft M16SSC Jessica Andrew Ed
        CJK design 16ft B16 Darby Adam Luke
        Edenda 16ft DSC Matilda Andrew Jessica
        Employment Hero 16ft M16SSC Felix George Alistair
        Employment Hero 16ft M16SSC Will George Alastair
        Eric’s Storage 16ft MH16SC Harry Nathan Alex
        ESV Accounting and Business Advisors 16ft DSC Haylee Tim Lochlan
        FIREBALL 16ft M16SSC James James Sam
        Firestopping Manly 16ft M16SSC Alex Sabastian Lochy
        First State Lending 16ft IYC Phil Daniel Richard
        IMEI 16ft M16SSC Sarah TRENT ROB
        Insight Building Services 16ft B16 Rod Kyle Andrew
        JamesCo 16ft StGSC Lachlan Bryce Jerome
        Joe Walsh Rigging 16ft M16SSC Craig Thomas Maxwell
        Konami 16ft B16 Bethany Jason Shane
        LSM 16ft StGSC Matthew Shane Joss
        Musto 16ft M16SSC Hugh Paul Niall
        Noakes 16ft StGSC Dave Peter Ricky
        Outback Marine 16ft M16SSC Georgia Kurt Kirk
        Red Pumps 16ft M16SSC Bruce Jay Greg
        Sponsor Wanted 16ft StGSC Ben James Rory
        Sydney Sailmakers 16ft DSC Andrew Daniel Katherine
        Toogara 16ft StGSC Josh Sam Timmy
        Tribeca 16ft StGSC Ben James Rory
        Typhoon 16ft M16SSC Nathan Malcolm Brett
        Weathertex 16ft Gosford Jess Wil Hayden

        Total: 0 Entries

        Event Registration

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